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Museums Deserve And Need a State-of-the-Art Website!


  Professional, aspiring, and/or philanthropic individuals needed to help authenticate and advocate for NYS’s 2000+ Museums, Historical Societies and sites (MHS). Enthusiastic philanthropists and/or opportunists have the professionally recognized opportunity to reverse the downward spiral in the health of our invaluable, tenuous Institutions.

  The only recognized MHS marketing advocates are either an attention splintered NY state funded tourism agency; or other well-meaning, but governmentally restrained, 501c non-profits. These organizations directly support a very small percentage of the existing 2500+ NYS MHSs’ with their inspirational A to Z; exhibits, archeological archives, interactive demonstrations, educational and career motivations, and insights, etc.

  Exclusive and inclusive MHS marketing by our for-profit LLC. delivers a proven, measurable difference in MHS; awareness, attendance, support, and most important, provides a solid path towards self-sustainability. If you are interested in professional recognition and/or sweat equity opportunities, are genuinely interested in helping save our Historical and Cultural Institutions, contact our 33 year old Press Organization to help the masses Re-discover NYS Museums, Historical Institutions, Societies, and site’s… in a TOTAL new way!

Press Agents & Volunteers Wanted

 FREE Websites (and support) for ALL Museums!

  In the last 15 years the driving principles of Museums411 have observed most of NYS's Museum community strive to effectively understand how the digital/Internet revolution would affect their Historical and Cultural exsistance. Many Institutions automatically assumed a defensive strategy; a ten year "knee-jerk" posture, although a natural reaction considering the huge "gap" in these figurative "Worlds' colliding", this difficuilt assumption alone put many .Org.s' significantly behind in any meaningful position to PROSPER in the 'Information Age"!  This fact alone, NOTWITHSTANDING today's 'now" DEMAND for cellular driven; multi-media, socially networked Museum/entertainment; AWARENESS, AVAILABITY, and ACCURACY, has caught much of THE MUSEUM INDUSTRY (and visitor support Industry), on the whole, outside of today's "NOW" fullfilment for spontanious; individual, family, and group entertainment and patronage .  In combination with  current Institution marketing efforts, new, fresh, spontanious This world-wide,  mass-market,  "cultural" shift"  and  even we struggled with  Would a multidimensional, interactive expensive website existance and know many Museums & Historical Societies & Sites have no serious web presence or serious strategy for promoting the website they currently work so hard to maintain.

  We also know from our experience being without a website seriously limits the success of many of OUR Institutions, and building & maintaining a website is not an option for many Museums, Historical Societies or Sites for obvious reasons; resources and expense.

Musuems411 is here to help all those who need a web presence, or improved presence; as well as with help disseminating up to date promotional information. Our proven model will provide you with state of the art interaction that will meet all your needs; both today and tomorrow.  Your site is and will be intuitive and visitor friendly with CURRENT; events, calendars, exhibits, and maps to your Museum, including archives and options for onsite and online gift shop sales.  Financial and interest based multimedia apps. are also in design.

With your event calendars, you will be able to allow people to pre-pay for up-coming events with PayPal or credit card allowing you to better estimate the number of participants.  Keep watching our site for more news or call the number below for updates and official release.

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