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Museums411 Galleries
Museums411 Archive Galleries
Images courtesy of APS 411, R. Zagorski
Continue to visit; workhorse of Networks411! WE will continue to ONLY deliver the News & Events that are; entertaining, informational, and appropriate for most audiences!
APS is excited to announce the technical and tactical challenges of expanding have recently been accomplished. Our 1st California Agency, APS-Ca. has been finalized and our coast to coast operations have statrted. We continue to convert 33 years of 100K+ hardcopy cultural images to accessible digital archives. Also for 2017, APS is fully committed to implementing our TMX Savings Card marketing and Moduplex(tm) SEO strategies. Our Herculean efforts are for the long-term betterment of all Museums, Libraries, & area Artisans while expanding our area based APS411 Agencies, Agents, & Interns for cultural News, promotional archives, & more Places2DO™ .
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Thank you for visiting! Contact us with any requests or opportunities.
© 2017 Call/email Mark @ 315-269-7909 / mboise
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